Mom and child
The Pro Life Corner
Church Bulletin Inserts for 2025

Even though Roe v Wade is no longer a federal law, we still face abortions every day.  However, due to the individual states deciding their own abortion regulations, abortions have thankfully decreased somewhat.  We must continue to work and pray diligently to end abortion in our nation and save God’s beautiful unborn babies.  It is our hope that these quotes will inspire you to share them and to join pro-life.  Continue to pray to end abortion.

January 5 - “We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life–the unborn–without diminishing the value of all human life.”
– President Ronald Reagan

January 12 - "God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes." Vatican Council II

January 19 - “Not even one abortion per week is acceptable. Not one per month. Not one per year. Not one in our lifetime…The dignity of the human person begins at the moment of conception, not at birth. The dignity, as recognized by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is bestowed by the Creator, and no one has the right to destroy innocent unborn life.” Archbishop Samuel Aquila  

January 26 - Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives.

February 2 - Day after day, we each have to resolve to pray more, fast more, say more, do more, boycott more and witness more in our fight to save the unborn from abortion, and the sick and the elderly from euthanasia.  God will win this battle.  Rejoice, we’re on His side.

February 9 - “Find the courage to proclaim Christ, and the unchanging truths which have their foundation in Him. These are the truths that set us free! They are the truths which alone can guarantee respect for the inalienable dignity and rights of each man, woman and child in our world - including the most defenseless of all human beings, the unborn child in the mother's womb.”- Pope Benedict XVI.

February 16 - Isn’t it interesting that in science fiction movies involving time machines those who travel back in time are warned not to take a life because they could alter the future by destroying future generations?  Time travel is not yet possible, yet we are destroying our future generations every day because of abortion.

February 23 - It’s easy to love life when it’s beautiful and perfect.  But the real test of our love is to love, respect, and defend all human life from beginning to end; young and old; born and unborn.

March 2 - Abortion, fetal experimentation, infanticide and euthanasia are four walls of the same coffin. Pray to end these evils.

March 9 - Are you aware that many pregnancies are often not detected until the 6th week or later?  By that time, the baby’s heart has been beating for over two weeks, brain waves can be detected, and the nervous system is complete.  Yet the majority of abortions take place during this time of development.

March 16 - “Every crime against life is a blow to peace especially if it strikes at the moral conduct of the people…with horrible and often legal ease, as in the case of the suppression of incipient life by abortion.”  Pope Paul VI

March 23 - Words matter. Mankind is really good at rationalizing evil behavior and words matter in the fight for truth. Oftentimes, positive-sounding phrases mask the true intent and outcomes of actions. In the fight for life, we have to shine a light on this false terminology. Perhaps this is why surveys show that ultrasounds are so powerful in changing the minds of abortion-minded women. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words and words matter.

March 30 - God does not expect all of us to be rocket scientists or brain surgeons.  As St. Theresa of Calcutta (Mother Theresa) said, all that is expected of us is to be faithful, leaving the results to God.  The bottom line is, all you need to do is to try.  Imagine the blessings that God would bestow on us if we just tried our best to help save lives.

April 6 - What do fast-food celebrity Dave Thomas, President Gerald Ford, former first lady Nancy Reagan and Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton have in common?  Their moms chose life!  They were all adopted.  Choose adoption not abortion.

April 13 - Pregnant?  Don’t know what to do?  Get all the facts on the possible physical and emotional damage that can result after an abortion.  Abortion is an irreversible decision.  This decision will affect a woman the rest of her life.  She should be given all the facts regarding the more gentle options that are available.

April 20 - “What irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with the remains of aborted babies should be more concerned about the problem of recycling the plastic.”  Plastic can be recycled; children cannot.  Winifred Egan

April 27 --“It is a terrible mockery of values to save Mother Earth while ignoring the callous killing of her children.”  Abortion kills children.  F. LaGard Smith

May 4 - Pregnancy is not a disease.  It is a power, a glory, and a privilege beyond measure.  More importantly, it is a gift from God.  Do not abort God’s gift.

May 11 - “Parenthood is a lasting career.  You can take this child with you in eternity.  You are now beginning an eternal mission.  All the possessions you spend time procuring on earth will one day have to be left behind.  Most of your works and the things you think are so important will one day be burnt up under the fire of God’s judgment-but this life is an eternal soul who will live forever.  All the thousands of future hours you will spend training this child will never be lost-they will last for eternity.”  Nancy Campbell

May 18 - Anyone caught brutalizing an animal the way a child is brutalized in an abortion would certainly do jail time; yet this barbaric practice is considered “a right” or “a choice”.  We have ceased to be a civilized nation.  Pray and work to end abortion.

May 25 - Every 21 Seconds another child becomes a victim of the war against the unborn.  There are no graves we can visit, no public memorials, only dumpsters and incinerators where the mangled bodies of war casualties are quietly discarded in back alleys.

June 1- During WWII, people could not believe that anything as horrible as the mass murders of millions of people was taking place.  They had to be confronted with the evidence.  Likewise today people cannot believe how hideous abortion is until they are allowed to see the evidence of it which is mostly hidden from the public as being too ‘gruesome’ to see.

June 8 -“Perhaps modern historians should apologize to Hitler for vilifying him as the worst demon the 20th century has ever produced.  The fact is, in terms of numbers of victims, cultural damage, and the sheer inhumanity of their methods and motives, the pro-abortionists of our current day takes precedence.”  Fr. Paul Marx

 June 15- If you believe fathers should be more involved in decisions affecting the child they helped create, you’re right.  This Father’s Day, pray for all fathers that they will be protective of their children, pre-born and born.  May God bless all fathers this day.

June 22 - “There are over a hundred texts in the Bible dealing with the unborn.  It is a subject about which the Bible has much to say, but all too often we have been silent, even as many were silent in Germany when the great atrocities were taking place there.”  Dr. D. James Kennedy.

June 29 - “The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government.”  Thomas Jefferson

July 6 - “The first priority, the fundamental priority of the common good is protecting and supporting human life, for without life, there is no common good.”  Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli.  How can our Declaration state that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when the state sponsors the killing of the unborn?

July 13 - “Unless liberty is devoted to the defense of life, neither life nor liberty can survive.”  Richard John Neuhaus

July 20 - Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive); thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

July 27 - At conception a genetically unique individual begins life.  This new life will consist of progressive stages of growth and development from conception through birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age and natural death.  All that is needed is nourishment and time to grow.  Abortion stops this natural progression of life.

August 3 - The phrases such as “a woman’s right to choose” and “the right to control her own body” are intellectually vacant and dodge the real issue.  It has elevated “choice” and avoided responsibility for the action, thus purposely ignoring the rights of the pre-born child.

August 10 - To cause another person to die intentionally is not an act of mercy as some insist, but an act of murder.  God is the giver and taker of life, not man.

August 17 - Once we deny our first inalienable right, the right to life, all other derivative and dependent rights, such and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, fall like so many dominoes.

August 24 - “A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members; and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying.” St. John Paul II

August 31 - What is the true governing force behind the abortion industry?  Is it compassion for the woman; the right to choose?  NO!  It’s money.  This is from a former abortionist who says abortion is the largest unregulated industry in the nation, and a very lucrative one at that.  Abortion is a contract killing in every sense of the word.

September 7 - If you choose to destroy the children, born or unborn, you destroy love and the future; If you choose to destroy the sick or disabled, you destroy compassion; If you choose to destroy the elderly, you destroy wisdom, respect, and the past.  Can we really do without these?  Have you never been young, sick or injured?  Will you never be old in someone’s eyes?  Therefore, do unto others as you wish to have them do unto to you.  Anne Bauer, M.D.

September 14 - It is the abortionists who are “anti-woman”.  Their ‘help’ is constituted by taking her money, killing her child, and sending her home.

September 21 -“Connected with our prayer must be the thoughtful and faithful reflection upon the Church’s teaching on the respect for all human life and the integrity of the family.  In our homes, in our Catholic (and Christian) schools and universities, in parish study groups, and in everyday conversations and discussions with our neighbors, we are called to give an uncompromising witness to the Gospel of Life.  Archbishop Raymond Burke.

September 28 - More violent acts against newborns are being reported today.  There is something dreadfully wrong when the life of an infant holds no more mystery or awe than a bag of garbage, and can be disposed of for the slightest reason or whim.  Has America’s conscience been aborted as well?

October 5 - Are you aware that aborted babies are being used for experimentation; And for cosmetic products?  One abortionist said “A baby is becoming property.  We kill, keep or sell the property.” Is this any different than what Hitler did?  Help stop this modern day Holocaust!

October 12 - Assisted suicide means administering lethal overdoses or otherwise causing to die those whose lives are judged useless or lacking in quality.  Life must be valued from conception to natural death.  

October 19 - Human life in all of its forms is sacred and every means must be used for its preservation, protection and defense.

October 26 - Killing people is always an effective way of controlling population.  The question is, is that the way we want to be most effective?  Civilized people don’t control population by killing people.  Abortion is killing innocent lives.

November 2 - Abortion is the American holocaust.  It is babies sacrificed on the altar of their mother’s womb and consecrated in blood.  Pray to end abortion. 

November 9 - Another real casualty of abortion, besides the babies who are killed, the women who suffer, and the doctors who do the killing, is our own humanity.  Every society is judged by the way it treats its defenseless and dependent.  If we continue on this path toward inhumanity, our society and our civilization will certainly perish.

November 16 - “Why do we have so much child abuse today?  It is because we have devalued human beings and children in particular.  We have destroyed them by the millions in the womb; we are now moving toward destroying them after they are born.”  Dr. Dr D. James Kennedy

November 23 - “Why is it that those with a liberal persuasion, when faced with difficult human problems, often seem to formulate a ‘solution’ ending in death?  Whether it’s a teen pregnancy, a Down’s syndrome child, a comatose patient or an elderly patient, they appear to favor the same answer:  death.  Whatever happened to “bearing another’s burdens?”

November 30 - The legal system has become equally inconsistent on the subject of life’s sanctity.  While the courts permit abortion on grounds that a fetus doesn’t qualify as a human because it can neither survive outside the womb nor enjoy the finer things in life, federal officials ruthlessly prosecute people who harm birds or even a bird egg.  How sad!

December 7 - We contend relentlessly for the dignity of the human person, of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God, destined from eternity for eternity, every human person, no matter how weak or how strong, no matter how young or how old, no matter how productive or how burdensome, no matter how welcome or how inconvenient.  All are wanted by God, and therefore to respected, protected, and cherished by us.  Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

December 14 - “God’s love does not distinguish between the infant in the mother’s womb or the child or the youth or the adult or the older person.  In each one God sees His image and likeness. Human life is a manifestation of God and His glory.”  Pope Benedict XVI

December 21 - The mystery of the Incarnation reveals the specific value of the dignity of human life.  God gave us this gift and sanctified it when the Son became man and was born of Mary.  It is a gift that must be protected, from conception until natural death.

December 28 - In one pregnancy center the prenatal model was only in the office for a week before it was borrowed.  A client’s mother called the following week and told us thank you for showing her daughter the model.  Up until that time she had planned to abort. Simple things like showing a woman a fetal model can often prevent an abortion.

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